First in class assignment

Neb Zewdie

Digital Writing



I feel like the video touched on a lot of subjects within Digital Writing. It explains through the music and visuals like t-shirts and acting out different uses of the technology and writing. Explaining that we are the “now” generation and within this generation we become more advanced in technology which directly influences how we write. We are not just writing for ourselves and the people around us anymore, but now we are writing for the whole world to see when we post things on forums, blogs, and websites.


I believe Digital Writing is an important part of today’s society. The fact that its digital helps connect people globally, and brings together a world that has been separated up until now. Digital writing is the main subject of many different medias within technology. It is within our daily lives and constantly growing to a point where now it is a necessity.

One thought on “First in class assignment

  1. I think you do an excellent job explaining the “now generation” video. The part were you say that we are not just writing for ourselves but for the whole world to see I think is essential and something we must think about before we decide to post any inappropriate stuff on the internet.

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