Rhetoric on the Town: Chapter 8 (Images)

Images are half of the media we work with now a days along with text, it does just as much justice placing a photo as would reading an article. Images help explain things that words or authors can’t explain, and they help emphasize what the writer has to say as well. They are extremely powerful having the ability to enhance a reader’s interest or distract them.There are many things you can do to photos to keep it from distracting the reader in general. Like cropping, partially and fully silhouetting, vignetting and so much more. Fully silhouetted photos help add interest to the page by making it feel as if the image is actually within the page itself instead of wherever the photo takes place in. But also, at the same time regular photos or even cropped photos with a background help to lead the reader to believe he or she is looking into a completely new world.

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