For my wiki page “Old/New Media,” I contributed several different things to help establish a better page. I started with adjusting the words and lettering to match everyone else’s pages so the pages wouldn’t seem so random and different from each other. For the information, it was already done perfectly and gave a clear elaboration on the subject so I pretty much just edited a few things and switched around the words to help explain it better. Overall I believe my contribution to the wiki page made a good impact and allows readers to easily understand the subject.
What I’m mostly proud about with the wiki in general is the way we organized it. It’s simple and easy to use not just for Digital Writing student but for anyone who knows how to use the internet. For my contribution I believe I mostly proud about having made the page similar to its other page and not having it confuse readers because the focus is on making readers feel comfortable and wanting/willing to read the wiki page. I think my most troubling part of the wiki site other than not being able to log in is knowing how and where to separate the different points within the subject and still establishing a connection between them. As a collaborative writer I discovered that every other person’s contribution is vital for the material because different people have different view points on any subject. Collaborative Intelligence was one of the first course outcomes I believe was significantly improved by working with all of my classmates to create this informative wiki site. Another course outcome that was improved was networking, there was several situations where I’d be asking advice from website designers to improve on this wiki site and even my well informed classmates to better the project. I believe appropriation because a lot of our videos and pictures were samples from different parts of the web that we used to benefit our project. Lastly, I feel that the course outcome of play was improved exponentially out of all of them because the whole time what we were doing was experimenting and exploring the wiki page, problem-solving in the process as well.